Resources FOSS Software
Recommended Software
This selection of recommended software and web services will help you improve your security and online privacy by giving you the opportunity to discover various open-source projects, privacy protections, and secure alternatives to major services we all use and love.
Note: Because this website is still under construction, some sections here may be incomplete. Don't hesitate to post an issue on Github if you want to help out !
Online Videos

Avoid Youtube

We have become increasingly reliant on Youtube to watch online videos, but other more privacy-respecting platforms now exist to do that. Discover unique content or watch Youtube videos anonymously using these alternative platforms...

Invidious allows you to browse and watch Youtube videos anonymously. By creating an account on an Invidious instance, you'll also be able to import your playists subscriptions. Open.

Youtube videos Web app Private & Open Source

Peertube is a private and decentralised platform to watch and share videos. When logging in to an instance, you will be able to rate and comment videos on many other instances. Open.

Unique content Web app Private & Open Source

LBRY is a open-source, private, and decentralised digital marketplace to watch videos and other unique content created by its dedicated community. Open.

Unique content All platforms Private & Open Source

Newpipe is an Android app to privately watch Youtube videos. It allows you to locally keep track of your history, create playlists, listen to music in audio-only mode, and download videos. It also connects to other platforms such as Peertube and Soundcloud. Open.

Youtube videos Android Private & Open Source

Freetube is a desktop app allowing you to privately watch Youtube videos, with a local history, subscriptions, and playlist system. Freetube is currently in beta, but a complete rewrite is ongoing. Open.

Youtube videos All desktops Private & Open Source

Social Networks

Avoid Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat...

Social networks have become an integral part of our digital lives, but they have also become extremely thirsty of user data. With very bad privacy practices, regular hacks and data leaks, and an annoying ability to lock us down on their platforms, most major social networks should be replaced by free and open-source alternatives.

Mastodon is a free, open-source and decentralized social network to connect with your friends. Every Mastodon instance is managed by an independent community, with various instances focusing on different topics and giving their users freedom and flexinility. Open.

Decentralized All platforms Private & Open Source

As Mastodon, PixelFed is a part of Fediverse. It's an instagram alternative. Open.

Decentralized Web app Private & Open Source

Diaspora is a decentralized social network focusing on user privacy and digital freedom. With many instances covering various topics, diaspora is an open-source project managed by the non-profit Diaspora Foundation. Open.

Decentralized Web app Private & Open Source

Gab is an open-source web browser and social network championing free speech and individual liberty. Open.

Free speech Web app Private & Open Source

Minds is a free and open-source social network focusing on privacy, transparency and decentralization. It uses blockchain to reward their users through various means, and is dedicated to fighting global surveillance and censorship. Open.

Blockchain All platforms Private & Open Source

Online Chat

Avoid Messenger, Hangouts, Skype...

Online chat platforms are really useful, but their (bad) privacy and security practices shouldn't be ignored. Use one of these alternatives for private and more secure conversations.


All platforms Private & Open Source


All platforms Private & Open Source


Android Private & Open Source

Web Browsers

Avoid Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge...

Web browers are the portal that we use to connect to the web. ...

Text Open.

All platforms Private & Open Source

Text Open.

All desktops Private & Open Source

Text Open.

All platforms Private & Open Source

Text Open.

All platforms Private & Open Source

Mail Clients

Avoid Gmail, Outlook

In order to fuel "smart" functionnalities in mail clients, big corporations collect unreasonable amounts of data about their users and private communications. Choosing a more privacy-respecting mail client is key to your digital freedom.

Thunderbird is a free and open-source mail client created by Mozilla. Completely private, it is a full featured mail client which allows you to save your mails in order to work offline. Open.

All desktops Private & Open Source

K9 Mail
K9 Mail is a free and secure Android mail client. Completely open-source, K9 recently received a complete redesign in order to be more modern and ergonomic. Open.

Android Private & Open Source

Fair Email
Fair Email is a great free and open-source mail client for Android. Focusing on privacy, Fair Email offers all the fetures you expect to get in a modren mail client. Open.

Android Private & Open Source

Office Suites

Avoid G-Suite, Microsoft Office

Nowadays, the main office suites have become very closed and incompatible with their competitors, and some of them even come with a fairly high price tag. However, many open-source equivalents are available, offering great stability, standard file formats, and a great compatibility with other office suites.

Libre Office
Libre Office is the most active and full-featured open-source office suite currently. Offering many advanced options and adhering to the Open Document file format, it feature a flexible and ergonomic layout which can be changed to the Microsoft based ribbon interface. Open.

All platforms Private & Open Source

Open Office
Open Office is the ancestor of Libre Office, and is still maintained to this day. While being updated less frequently than Libre Office, Open Office also uses the Open Document file format and offers many advanced options. Its older style may please some people. Open.

All desktops Private & Open Source

Only Office
Only Office is a new, more modern take on open-source office suites. While pushing their cloud-based subscription service at first glance, they offer free desktop editors for local use, featuring a beautiful interface and easy intergation with various cloud services. Open.

All platforms Private & Open Source

Operating Systems

Avoid Windows, Mac, Android


Text Learn more.

All devices Private & Open Source

Text Learn more.

Desktop Private & Open Source

Android Open Source Project without Google apps and services or any fork like LineageOS, GrapheneOS or other alternatives...

Phone Private & Open Source

Mail Providers

Avoid Gmail

Nowadays, free mail prividers like Gmail actively scan emails to offer you relevant ads, and internet proividers can't all be trusted with private communications. If you need a truly secure email adress, try one of the services below.

Protonmail is a Suiss-based, secure and open-source mail provider. Offering 500MB of storage with a free account, Protonmail uses end-to-end encryption to protect your communications, so even the creators can't access your data. Open.

All platforms Private & Open Source

Tutanota is a great open-source and secure mail provider. Along with its modern and ergonomic client, Tutanota lets you create a private calendar and contact list, and offers 1GB of storage with a free account. Tutanota also uses end-to-end encryption. Open.

All platforms Private & Open Source

Git Hosting

Caution Github

Since Github has been bought by Microsoft, many have bacome wary of this service. While Githib is still running and improving over time, a few cases of arbitrary project closures related to Microsoft guidelines have happened in the past. Moreover, Github itself isn't completely open-source.

Gitlab is a completely open and community-driven online git hosting service very similar to Github. It has evolved to become the new home to many open-source creators. Open.

Online Open Source

Gitea is an open-source and self-hosted git hosting system, giving you complete control over the platform. This comes with the cost of renting your own server. Open.

Self hosted Open Source

Photo Editors


Text Open.

All desktops Open Source

Text Open.

All desktops Open Source

Cloud Providers

Avoid Dropbox, Google Drive, Onedrive...

While they are very convenient, cloud providers like Dropbox and Google Drive have very bad privacy policies that enable them to possibly see the files you upload there, and aren't very secure. The following replacements offer better security and strong privacy practices.


All platforms Private & Open Source

3D Modeling

Some 3D modeling programs, like Autodesk software, are very costly. Luckily, some excellent free and open-source alternatives exist for these purposes. Whether you're an amateur or professional, this software will help you accomplish what you want.

Blender is a very powerful, free and open-source 3D modeling program. Used by many amateurs and professionals alike around the world, it comes with all the tools you need to create your models. Open.

All desktops Open Source