FOSS Central, Beta 0.6
This website aims at explaining why digital privacy is important, instructing people about the benefits of open-source software, and helping everyone find the right balance between their comfort and privacy.
By making gradual privacy guides for common platforms, showcasing alternatives to common privacy-threatening services, and encouraging people to use open-source software up to the operating system level, we hope to help you achieve a better computing experience.
We also aim to be a portal giving you access to various other open-source and privacy-related ressources thanks to our directory of useful websites.
If you found an error or want to suggest more content, feel free to post an issue on github.
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Found a bug ? Missing ressources ? Or want to suggest software alternatives ? We're open to all suggestions ! Everyone is welcome to contribute to our project. Please visit our github page to write an issue or create a fork.
If you don't want your website to appear on our list, just fill an issue on Github and we'll remove it !
This website is distributed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0.
This website is distributed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0.
Work in progress !
This website is a work in progress ! Some pages and description may be missing or inaccurate. Don't hesitate to go to our Github page if you want to help out !